Kings, Farmers and Towns Important Question Answers

Kings, Farmers and Towns important questions Class 12 with their answers on our website Each question answer is written by a team of highly professional educators. In general, you need to attempt these questions and answers after reading the whole chapter properly. This way you can build the ability to solve the questions accurately.

Kings, Farmers and Towns Important Question Answers

There are many topics in this chapter of 12th History Kings Farmers and Towns. These topics are a part of CBSE chapter wise important questions class 12 History Kings Farmers and Towns.

Question 1. Who was James Prinsep? Which two ancient scripts did he succeed in reading?
why was James Prinsep’s contribution considered a historic advancement in Indian epigraphy?

Answer.– East India officer James Prinsep discovered the meaning of the Brahmi script written on Emperor Ashoka’s inscriptions and helped in reading it. This brought forth a new picture of the history of the Mauryan period. Undoubtedly, he had made a significant contribution in the progress of epigraphy.

Question 2. What were the Mahajanapadas? Name some important Mahajanapadas.

Answer.– In the sixth century BC, some big states were established in northern India. These were called Mahajanapadas. Their number was 16.
Important Mahajanapadas – (i) Magadha (ii) Kosala (iii) Vajji (iv) Kuru (v) Avanti (vi) Panchal (vii) Gandhara etc.

Question 3. Which Mahajanapada emerged as the most powerful? Name any three of its important rulers.

Answer.Magadha emerged as the most powerful Mahajanapada. Its three important rulers were Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Mahapadmananda.

Question 4. Why was the Maurya Empire considered a major period in early Indian history?

Answer.– The Maurya Empire was the first major empire in Indian history. During this period many new trends emerged in the political and economic fields. Therefore, the Maurya Empire is considered an important period in early Indian history.

Question 5. Which was the initial capital of Magadha? Tell one of its characteristics. Which city was made the capital of Magadha in the fourth century BC?

Answer.-Rajgir or Rajgah was the first capital of Magadha. It was a city located between the hills. In the fourth century BC, Pataliputra, which is today called Patna, was made the capital of Magadha.

Question 6. Who was Chandragupta Maurya? How far was his kingdom spread?

Answer.– Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya dynasty. He founded the Maurya dynasty in 321 BC. His kingdom extended to Afghanistan and Balochistan in the northwest.

Question 7. How did the Kushan rulers present an example of their high status?

Answer.– The Kushans tried to portray themselves as godlike. This was the reason why they installed their magnificent statues at religious places, such as temples. Such huge statues have been found from a temple in Afghanistan and a Maat near Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. They also used the title “Devputra” before their names.

Question 8. Give brief information about the languages ​​and scripts of Ashoka’s inscriptions.

Answer.-Most of Ashoka’s writings are written in Prakrit. Although they are written in Brahmi script, the writings found in the northwest are written in Aramaic and Greek languages. Some have Kharosthi script. In the inscriptions found in Afghanistan, mainly Aramaic and Greek languages ​​have been used.

Question 9. Which ruler has the oldest inscriptions? What do they tell us about his ‘Dhamma’?

Answer.–The oldest inscriptions are of the Mauryan ruler Ashoka. Through these, Ashoka propagated his Dhamma whose main principles were as follows
(1) Respect for elders
(2) Generosity towards monks and Brahmins
(3) Generous behavior with your servants and slaves
(4) Respect for the religions and traditions of others

Question 10. How do we get factual information about the Gupta rulers from the prashastis?

Answer.-This article is written in praise of the king. Harishena wrote about the Gupta ruler Samudragupta, “Prayag Prashasti” is very important. It shows that Samudragupta was the most powerful Gupta emperor.

Question 11. Tell any three things which diminish the importance of Maurya Empire?

Answer.-(1) The Maurya Empire lasted only for 150 years which cannot be considered a very long period.

(2) It did not spread to all regions of the subcontinent.
(3) Administrative control was not uniform even within the boundaries of the empire.

Question 12. Mention any two characteristics of the administrative system of the Maurya Empire.

Answer.-(1) The Maurya Empire had five major centres. Of these, Pataliputra was the largest centre which was the capital of the Maurya Empire.
(2) The Maurya Empire was very vast due to which there was diversity in the administration.

Question 13. Who is the Chief? What are his duties?

Answer.-The Sardar is powerful. His position may or may not be inherited from his ancestors. His duties include performing special prayers, leading in war and mediating disputes. He meets his subordinates and gives information to his supporters.

Question 14. What is meant by Tamilakam? Name the three chiefdoms that emerged in Tamilakam during the Mauryan period. Also mention one of their characteristics.

Answer.-Tamilakam means the Deccan and its southern parts of the subcontinent. It includes parts of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Chieftaincies like Chola, Chera, Pandey etc. emerged in Tamilakam during the Mauryan period. The prosperity and stability of these kingdoms was proved.

Question 15. Which was the capital of the Maurya Empire? Also name the four provincial centres of the empire.

Answer.-The capital of the Maurya Empire was Pataliputra.
Provincial centers-(i) Taxila (ii) Ujjaini (iii) Tosali or Toshali (iv) Suvarnagiri

Question 16. Name two dynasties that generated revenue from long distance trade.

Answer.-(1) The Satavahanas who ruled in central and western India.
(2) The Shakas who ruled in the northwest and west of the subcontinent.

Question 17. What method did the Kushans adopt to achieve higher status?

Answer.-The Kushans tried to portray themselves as godlike. This was the reason why they installed their magnificent statues at religious places, such as temples. Such large paintings

Answer.These were found in Maat, near Mathura in the state and in a temple in Afghanistan. He also used the title ‘Devputra’ before his name.

Question 18. Write the names of any three types of sources of the history of Gupta rulers.

Answer.– (1) Literature (2) Coins and inscriptions (3) Elegies written by poets in his praise.

Question 19. When and who built the Sudarshan lake? Which rulers got it repaired?

Answer.-An inscription states that the Sudarshan lake was built by a local governor during the Mauryan period. It was repaired by the ruler Rudradaman and the Gupta ruler.

Question 20. What is ‘Manusmriti’? What advice is given to the king in it?

Answer.Manusmriti is the most famous law book of early India. It is written in Sanskrit language and was composed between 200 BC and 200 AD. In this, the king was advised that to avoid land disputes, the boundaries should be kept secret. For this, such an object should be buried in the ground on the borders which does not get destroyed with time.

Question 21. Give brief information about Banbhatta and ‘Harshacharit’.

Answer.–Banabhatta was the court poet of Harshvardhan, the ruler of Kannauj. He wrote the book Harshcharit. This book in Sanskrit language is the biography of Harshvardhan.

Question 22. Who was Prabhavati Gupta? What is a rare example found in her connection?

Answer.-Prabhavati Gupta was the daughter of Chandragupta II (375-415 AD), a famous ruler of early India. She was married into the Vakataka family of the Deccan Plateau. She donated land, which is a rare example of donation by a woman.

Question 23. What regional disparities regarding land donations are visible in the land donation records?

Answer.-(1) There is a difference in the land donated in different regions. In some places small pieces are donated while in other places very large pieces are donated.
(2) There are also regional differences in the rights of the people who receive land donation.

Question 24. Why did kings or influential people give land donations? What are the opinions of various historians in this regard?

Answer.-(1) According to some historians, this was a policy of expanding agriculture in new areas.
(2) Some other historians are of the opinion that when a king’s control over his feudal lords became loose, he used to gather new supporters for himself by giving land grants.
(3) It is also believed that some kings used to flaunt their pride and power by giving land grants. Question

25. All the cities that arose in the subcontinent in the sixth century BC were located along communication routes. Give some examples.

Answer.-(1) Cities like Pataliputra were located on the river routes.
(2) Cities like Ujjaini were located on the land routes.
(3) Cities like Puhar were located on the sea coast, from where the sea routes started.

Question 26. Mention any three characteristics of the cities that emerged in the subcontinent in the sixth century B.C.

Answer.-(1) Most of the cities were capitals of Mahajanapadas.
(2) Almost all cities were situated along communication routes.
(3) Many cities like Mathura were centres of commercial, cultural and political activities.

Question 27. What is Northern Black Polished Ware?

Answer.– Apart from the Harappan cities, various types of archaeological remains have been found from some fortified cities. These include high quality earthen bowls and plates covered with shiny coating. These utensils are called Northern Black Polished Ware. These were probably used by rich people.

Question 28. What are donor records?

Answer.– Donation inscriptions are small inscriptions of the second century AD which have been found from various cities. These contain details of donations made to religious institutions. These contain the name of the person donating as well as his profession. These contain details of various craftsmen, officials, traders and kings living in the cities.

Question 29. What was ‘Shreni’? What was its function?

Answer.-The union of producers and traders was called ‘Shreni’. These guilds used to buy raw material and prepare goods from it and sell them in the market.

Question 30. What is the meaning of ‘Periplus’? What does the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea shed light on?

Answer.-Periplus is a word from the Greek language. It means sea travel. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea throws light on the sea trade of early India.

Question 31. When and who issued punch-marked coins? Which metal were they made of? Also tell their importance.

Answer.Punch-marked coins were issued by the kings of the sixth century BC. It is also possible that merchants and some wealthy people also issued such coins. These coins were made of silver and copper. Symbols were made on these coins by punching them. The circulation of coins made exchange for trade quite easy.

Question 32. Who first issued coins with the statue and name of the rulers?

Answer.-The first coins with the images and names of the rulers were issued by the Indo-Greek rulers. They ruled the northeastern region of the subcontinent in the second century BC.

Question 33. Give brief information about the early gold coins.

Answer.-The first gold coins were issued by the Kushan rulers in the first century AD. The size and weight of these coins were exactly the same as the coins issued by the Roman emperors and the Parthian rulers of Iran. Later, the Gupta rulers also issued gold coins. The gold used in these was of the finest quality.

Question 34. Name two titles assumed by Ashoka and their meanings.

Answer.– Ashoka assumed the titles of ‘Devanampriya’ and ‘Piyadassi’. ‘Devanampriya’ means beloved of the gods and ‘Piyadassi’ means beautiful to look at.

Question 35. Why were walls built around cities and especially capital cities during the Mahajanapada period?

Answer.-Capital cities have special importance. All kinds of political, social, economic and cultural activities take place here. It is also necessary to protect them from enemies. These things were also applicable to the capital cities of the Mahajanapada period. Therefore, walls were built around these cities so that they could be made into strong forts.

Question 36. Why is the Lion Capital of Ashoka considered important today?

Answer.-The Ashoka Lion Capital has been adopted by the Government of India as the state emblem. It is a symbol of our unity, valor, progress and high ideals. Due to these reasons, the Lion Capital is considered important.

Question 37. Why were officers appointed to inspect various occupational groups in the Mauryan period?

Answer.– Officers were appointed for inspection so that all economic activities could continue smoothly. Its purpose was to prevent any kind of irregularities and also to ensure equal rights to all businessmen.

Question 38. According to Greek sources, how much army did the Maurya Emperor have?

Answer.According to Greek sources, the Maurya emperor had six lakh infantry soldiers, thirty thousand cavalry and nine thousand elephants.

Question 39. What did the Brahmins consider the Shakas who came from Central Asia? Write the name of their famous ruler and one of his contributions.

Answer.–Brahmins considered the Shakas who came from Central Asia as barbarians, barbarians or foreigners. Their famous ruler was Rudradaman who got the Sudarshan Sarovar renovated.

Question 40. What kind of resources would the Mauryas have needed for their huge army?

Answer.-(1) Large revenue
(2) Immense military material
(3) Large quantity of supplies
(4) Places to keep the army etc.

Question 41. Why did people bring gifts to Pandya chiefs? What might the chiefs have used these gifts for?

Answer.-People respected Pandya chiefs because they were happy and contented under their rule. So they brought them various gifts. The chiefs probably used these gifts themselves or distributed them among their supporters.

Question 42. What are the features of the given statue which make it appear that it is the statue of a king?

Answer.-(1) The statue is dressed in royal attire.
(2) It is holding a sword.
(3) It is shown in a dignified posture.

Question 43. Why did the rulers make arrangements for irrigation?

Answer.-Rulers made arrangements for irrigation to increase agricultural production. There were two main reasons for this:
(1) Agriculture was the main source of income for the state.
(2) Agriculture could provide food to the people.

Question 44. Why is the 6th century BC considered an important period in early Indian history?

Answer.–The 6th century BC is considered an important transformative period in early Indian history. This period is often associated with the emergence of early states, cities, increased use of iron and the development of coins. Various philosophical ideologies, including Buddhism and Jainism, developed during this period.

Question 45. Describe any two methods used to increase agricultural production from the sixth century BC.

Answer.-(1) To increase agricultural production, plough was used in the fertile areas of Ganga and Kaveri valleys.
(2) In areas with heavy rainfall, fertile land was ploughed with iron ploughs.
(3) Another way to increase production was irrigation which was done through wells, ponds and sometimes canals. (Write any two)

Question 46. Who is the author of ‘Periplus of the Aristocratic Sea’? Why did he prepare a list of different types of objects?

Answer.-The author of ‘Periplus of the Erythraean Sea’ was a Greek seafarer. He prepared a list of different types of goods to show the foreign trade carried out by sea. He wanted to show that hot spices like pepper and cinnamon were exported from India. In return, precious goods (topaz, mango, diamonds etc.) were imported to India.

Question 47. How did the city of Pataliputra develop?

Answer.–The city of Pataliputra developed from a village called Pataligram. In the fifth century BC, the rulers of Magadha decided to shift their capital from Rajgarh to this settlement and changed its name. By the fourth century BC, it became the capital of the Maurya Empire. At that time, this city was one of the largest cities in Asia.

Question 48. Examine the concept of Rajan described in ‘Gandatid’ Jataka.

Answer.(i) The king should take care of the interests of the people. They should be protected from every kind of oppression.
(ii) The official class should adopt a policy of generosity towards their rural people, because the agriculture of the village is the main source of revenue of the society.

Question 49. Who was ‘Gapati’?

Answer.-The Gahapati was the head of the household. He had control over the women, children, servants and slaves living in the house. He was the owner of the family’s land, animals and all other belongings. Sometimes this term was also used for elite persons and merchants living in cities.

King, Farmer and Town Early States and Economies Important Questions NCERT Textbook Answers Notes Chapter 2 MCQ According to written history; Raja, farmer city There have been many questions related to King Kishan City. If you liked the answers, kindly share with your online pals and in case any of them have similar questions then make sure they read this as well.

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